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  • Another longtime Burnaby councillor won’t seek re-election

Another longtime Burnaby councillor won’t seek re-election

For the second time in as many days, a long-standing member of Burnaby city council has said they will not seek re-election in the upcoming municipal election.

Independent Coun. Colleen Jordan made the announcement at Burnaby’s council meeting on Monday night.

Burnaby election news: Councillor Colleen Jordan has announced she will not seek re-election in the upcoming municipal election. She made the announcement during tonight's city council meeting.

"It's been an honour to sit around this table for 20 years," she said. @bbybeacon pic.twitter.com/LVKKOGXAgv

— Simran Singh (@SimranRoohi) August 30, 2022

Jordan has served on council since 2002, and was a longtime member of the Burnaby Citizens’ Association.

She left the BCA in 2020, however, after in-party disagreements over several motions she had put forward related to housing.

Fellow BCA councillors Dan Johnston and Paul McDonell also left the party at the same time, choosing to sit as independents. McDonell died last year.

Johnston announced Sunday night that he would not be running in this October’s election.

Jordan and Johnston have often served as voices of opposition around the council table, particularly on matters related to housing and development.

Notably, they were the only two councillors to oppose a mixed-use development in the Royal Oak neighbourhood, proposed by the BC General Employees’ Union. The BCGEU-owned building would provide about 150 below-market rental units—far above the required amount of 20% under the city’s rental use zoning policy.

It would, however, require an amendment to the Royal Oak Official Community Plan (OCP), which does not allow the density required for the project.

The project represents one of the major divisions in the BCA, with Jordan and Johnston adamant since 2020 that they don’t support spot rezoning.

This April, city council ultimately voted 7-2 to advance the BCGEU development to a third reading. The project is now officially approved.

The New Westminster and District Labour Council officially withdrew its endorsement of Jordan several weeks later, writing to Jordan that concerns had been raised with them about her positions after that council meeting.

Jordan jokingly told the Beacon she had been effectively “excommunicated” from the labour council.

In her time on council, Jordan has held several memberships and committee appointments—including as the chair of the Burnaby Heritage Commission.

She said in her council biography that one of her proudest achievements on council is championing free admission to the Burnaby Village Museum.

“This has increased attendance and recognition of the Village beyond even my wildest expectations. It has also earned the city an award and made it a tourist destination,” Jordan wrote.