The name Genki Clear was chosen via a poll on Instagram—although Wabi Sabi was a close second.
Try these spots next time you're visiting SFU!
A former player and coach for the team said it won’t be an easy road forward for athletes who suddenly don’t have a team to play for.
This week we'll be gating some of our work, here's why
If you’ve ever walked down Victory Street in Burnaby, you may have noticed a green heritage home located behind a newer home. But what's the story behind this peculiar arrangement?
SFU had notified Turpel-Lafond that it was considering revocation, and presented her with two options: return the degree, or “make representations on the issues at hand”.
Burnaby is filled with incredible options for hikes in the city, and the Byrne Creek Ravine Loop Trail is one of them.
The District Energy Utility would make use of Metro Vancouver's Waste-to-Energy facility to heat homes and businesses in the two neighbourhoods.
April, come she will ☀️
The university says it has applied to the Labour Relations Board for mediation.
A new month means new Burnaby restaurants to look forward to!
A new aquatics manager will work on the transition, along with decreasing waitlists