Almost 150 students worked on creating the massive production which opens this week
Plus, additional 1.9% infrastructure levy to be added to property taxes
They are hosting free information sessions to help people avoid crypto scams and scams targeting newcomers to Canada
Plus: Council halts non-essential staff travel to the US and raises awareness about accessibility
Everyone in the city is invited to celebrate its return at a community event on Thursday
Safer working conditions and pay parity with the public sector are some of their demands
The new Stratford Gardens will replace an aging structure with a six-storey development providing housing for seniors, families and individuals
Public engagement shows a formal apology is top of the list of actions for reconciliation with Chinese-Canadians
After reviewing the city’s Community Benefit Bonus Affordable Housing Reserve, staff proposed changes to criteria for the grants
The clinic will serve newcomers, new mothers and babies, Indigenous patients, and people experiencing homelessness
Plus: Council expresses support for Canada Post and postal workers
Residents say the upgrades are behind schedule and children in the community are underserved