After reviewing the research findings, the city has created a new anti-racism framework
Sixteen people joined on a rainy Sunday to remove invasive species from Central Park and make way for native plants
The campaign is part of a multi-faceted project with $2.9M in funding from Public Safety Canada over four years
Plus, a new studio for artists, pending road closures and the city's new works yard
Plus: city councillors speak out against Israeli attack on Rafah refugee camp and lack of action on the federal government’s part
FLEET studio has an open call for artists to send proposals until July 15
The Laurel Street Works Yard project was more than a decade in the making
The additional hours are possible thanks to a $690K grant from the province
Plus, a new sidewalks program, extended library hours and a potential collapse of the Burnaby Housing Authority
Grace Ethiopian Evangelical Church and the city to find space for 50 affordable housing units, community space and childcare facility
Plus, viewing parties for the Stanley Cup playoffs, a long awaited grand opening and residents return to new homes at old rents for the first time in Burnaby history
Plus: The city’s financial reserves decline in 2023, and $1.9M for waste processing